
conda env create -f tf14.yml - ResolvePackageNotFound

jp flag

I am trying to run the code from this repository The instructions to install the python environment are as follows

Create a python environment and install dependencies: conda env create -f tf14.yml

Activate the environment: source activate tf14

However, I get the following error message when running conda env create -f tf14.yml inside the root directory.

(base) kong@kong-Standard:~/causal-infogan$ conda env create -f tf14.yml
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed

  - pycparser==2.18=py35_0
  - gstreamer==1.8.0=0
  - markupsafe==0.23=py35_2
  - pyparsing==2.1.4=py35_0
  - libgcc==5.2.0=0
  - libpng==1.6.27=0
  - ipython==5.1.0=py35_0
  - libgpuarray==0.6.2=0
  - pillow==4.2.1=py35_0
  - pbr==1.10.0=py35_0
  - cffi==1.10.0=py35_0
  - glib==2.43.0=1
  - sip==4.18=py35_0
  - fontconfig==2.12.1=3
  - libtiff==4.0.6=3
  - libxcb==1.12=0
  - dbus==1.10.10=0
  - wcwidth==0.1.7=py35_0
  - matplotlib==2.0.2=np112py35_0
  - pygments==2.1.3=py35_0
  - libxml2==2.9.2=0
  - openblas==0.2.19=0
  - scikit-learn==0.18.1=np112py35_nomkl_1
  - llvmlite==0.16.0=py35_0
  - mistune==0.7.3=py35_0
  - six==1.10.0=py35_0
  - pytz==2016.7=py35_0
  - cycler==0.10.0=py35_0
  - readline==6.2=2
  - ipykernel==4.5.0=py35_0
  - jupyter_core==4.2.0=py35_0
  - notebook==4.2.3=py35_0
  - python==3.5.2=0
  - libffi==3.2.1=0
  - mkl-service==1.1.2=py35_3
  - setuptools==27.2.0=py35_0
  - werkzeug==0.11.11=py35_0
  - pandas==0.20.1=np112py35_0
  - h5py==2.7.0=np112py35_0
  - mako==1.0.4=py35_0
  - seaborn==0.7.1=py35_0
  - simplegeneric==0.8.1=py35_1
  - zlib==1.2.8=3
  - nbformat==4.1.0=py35_0
  - qt==5.6.2=5
  - jupyter_client==4.4.0=py35_0
  - scipy==0.19.0=np112py35_nomkl_0
  - itsdangerous==0.24=py35_0
  - flask==0.11.1=py35_0
  - jbig==2.1=0
  - numba==0.31.0=np112py35_0
  - tornado==4.4.2=py35_0
  - libiconv==1.14=0
  - decorator==4.0.10=py35_0
  - traitlets==4.3.1=py35_0
  - libgfortran==3.0.0=1
  - entrypoints==0.2.2=py35_0
  - pickleshare==0.7.4=py35_0
  - pyzmq==15.4.0=py35_0
  - tk==8.5.18=0
  - nomkl==1.0=0
  - zeromq==4.1.4=0
  - jsonschema==2.5.1=py35_0
  - pip==9.0.1=py35_1
  - mkl==2017.0.1=0
  - hdf5==1.8.17=1
  - networkx==1.11=py35_0
  - sqlite==3.13.0=0
  - ptyprocess==0.5.1=py35_0
  - gst-plugins-base==1.8.0=0
  - libsodium==1.0.10=0
  - pyqt==5.6.0=py35_2
  - olefile==0.44=py35_0
  - jinja2==2.8=py35_1
  - boto==2.48.0=py35_0
  - openssl==1.0.2j=0
  - nbconvert==4.2.0=py35_0
  - numexpr==2.6.2=np112py35_nomkl_0
  - pexpect==4.0.1=py35_0
  - mock==2.0.0=py35_0
  - numpy==1.12.1=py35_nomkl_0
  - expat==2.1.0=0
  - freetype==2.5.5=1
  - ipython_genutils==0.1.0=py35_0
  - terminado==0.6=py35_0
  - pygpu==0.6.2=py35_0
  - python-dateutil==2.5.3=py35_0
  - prompt_toolkit==1.0.3=py35_0
  - icu==54.1=0
  - wheel==0.29.0=py35_0
  - jpeg==9b=0
  - xz==5.2.2=0

The solution at says to move the packages under the pip section. Is there an automatic way to resolve this instead of manually moving things around everytime a similar issue pops up?


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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.