
How to set to Black background

kr flag

Ver: Ubuntu 21.04

In order to change the color scheme, I have set as follows in my .bashrc;

export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;96;40m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
setterm -term linux -back black -fore white -clear
export LS_COLORS=$LS_COLORS:"di=1;31"

As a result, my Terminal and PS1 background are set to black. However, output of any of the command (ls, cat, echo, etc) is still shown with grayish background. Also, moment I run "clear" command, terminal background is switched from black to grey.

How to set the background to black for all (terminal, command output, vi, etc)?

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
You can changes the colors in Preferences. Why use such a complicated command that obviously can only affect the current session?
Simha avatar
kr flag
Thank you @ChanganAuto. It worked.
kr flag

For the benefit of the community, I am posting the solution.

  1. I created a new profile in Terminal → Preferences.
  2. In the newly created profile → Colors, unchecked Use color from system them and selected the appropriate built-in theme.

Terminal Preferences Setting


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