
What is "X Software Development" equivalent on ubuntu?

cn flag

When I try to "groupinstall" this package:

sudo apt -y groupinstall "X Software Development"

I have 2 problems, first groupinstall doesn't exists on ubuntu, second, Ubuntu can't locate the package.

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Could you please translate "groupinstall" to package names? What do you need - X11 or what? What are you trying to compile or run? What is your Ubuntu version?
Knud Larsen avatar
by flag
hc40523 : »can't locate the package« : May be "locate a file" will help? ........ and `sudo apt install apt-file` → → `apt-file search [file]`
cn flag
@N0rbert I just learned around while posting what groupinstall meant
cn flag
@KnudLarsen Thanks for the hint, yes I tried before asking. As this "grouped packages" was for yum packages manager it returned nothing
Knud Larsen avatar
by flag
`sudo apt install libxmu-dev` will install a package that has the most "X-dev" packages as dependencies.
zw flag

You are trying to bring knowledge about Yum's functionality to Debian (really Ubuntu).

On Ubuntu you have to install xorg-dev and/or xserver-xorg-dev packages to get "X.Org X Window System development libraries" and/or "Xorg X server - development files" installed by using below commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev xserver-xorg-dev

Then you can try to compile needed application from source. But at first make sure that it is not available in binary package form. Use search on and then install needed package(s) by apt/apt-get.

If you need different X11-related thing - visit special x11 packages section at to find relevant package name.

Good resources to read:

cn flag
This is exactly what I was looking for, as I wasn't even able to understand why I need it! The fact is since I switched to Ubuntu my code won't compile, it was on fedora, using my teacher libraries of "TThread" and "screen" etc.. told us to install X Software packages and also tck, tck-devel, tcl, tcl-devel.. still have to figure out those. But for instance I'll try to see if I get succcessful build with your help, or at least less errors. Thank you!
Knud Larsen avatar
by flag
tcl / tk ..... Install e.g. `tk8.6-dev`, and tcl packages will be installed too : as dependencies.

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