
What is the best way to install a minimal Ubuntu?

in flag

I would like to know what is the best way to install a minimal Ubuntu setup similar to Arch. Now seeing that the mini.iso is gone is the Ubuntu Server a good option or something else? Thanks in advance.

in flag
If by "minimal" you mean "no-GUI", than Ubuntu Server is the most logical way to go. There are other versions, such as `.iso` files that are custom-made for various cloud vendors, but a stock Server installation will give you everything you need out of the box.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
"Best" is subjective. What is "best" for you?
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Does this answer your question? [How do I do a minimal install so I can customize Ubuntu?](
in flag
By best i mean the iso which does the formatting and user creation for me but i choose which packages to install. Obviously i want an official iso that does this. Although creating user and formatting isnt mandatory since i can do this myself but its nice when the installer does it for me and saves me time.
in flag
@matigo Does the Server install adds some packages that are not needed for desktop use? Or does it let me choose what i want to install?
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Have not installed server for a while, but it used this tasksel If you choose nothing then you have a minimal install. You then can install just a gui, or a full desktop which is gui & lots of apps, but varies by flavor.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
You have apt: You can always choose what to install and what to remove. "Unused" packages seem impossible for us to predict, since we don't know your use.
sudodus avatar
jp flag
See [this link]( if you want a portable network after installing.
zw flag

You still can get mini.iso of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from

and then build any type of system on top of it using Aptitude and other CLI/TUI-based lightweight tools without huge massive Snaps and cloud init.


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