two machines are in the picture for my issue:
- Server: Running Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS, running ssh server
- Client: Running Ubuntu Desktop 20.04.3 LTS, running ssh client
I expect my generated ED25519 keypair to be used. Keys are stored as following:
- attached in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on "server"
- id_ed25519: stored in ~/.ssh on "client"
Configuration on server in /etc/ssh/sshd.config:
- PubkeyAuthentication yes
- AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
- PasswordAuthentication no
Configuration on client:
- id_ed25519 is made available via keychain
(executing ssh-add for ssh-agent, asking for passphrase properly)
Now what gives me headaches:
Step 1: I connect from client to server. As I access for the first time (empty ~/.ssh/known_hosts on client) I get:
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256: [DefaultKeyFingerprint]. Are you sure you want to continue connecting?
[DefaultKeyFingerprint] is a placeholder for the fingerprint displayed. It turns out it is not the fingerprint I expected. My expectation was: is used by the server to derive the fingerprint. This would lead to another fingerprint (checked via "ssh-keygen -l -f"). Let's call this one [ExpectedFingerprint].
I tried to understand where [DefaultKeyFingerprint] is coming from. Result:
It fits to the default key generated by sshd in /etc/ssh/
Step 2: After accepting above mentioned warning I can sucessfully connect.
I wanted to understand if the public key behind [DefaultKeyFingerprint] or [ExpectedFingerprint] was used. Two indications that [ExpectedFingerprint] was used:
- Specifying the private key behind [DefaultKeyFingerprint] when executing "ssh" on client is not accepted by "Server", even when the private key file is specified using -i option. Error is:
Permission denied (publickey).
This fits to my expectation as I allowed on server side in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys only the public key fitting to [ExpectedFingerprint]
- When I run on "Server":
systemctl status ssh
after succesful login I get following output:
Dez 22 10:57:42 [my_machine] sshd[3255]: Accepted key ED25519 SHA256:[ExpectedFingerprint] found at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:1
Dez 22 10:57:42 [my_machine] sshd[3255]: Accepted publickey for [user] from port 50048 ssh2: ED25519 SHA256:[ExpectedFingerprint]
Dez 22 10:57:42 [my_machine] sshd[3255]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user [user] by (uid=0)
My questions:
- Can you confirm my argumentation above that actually [ExpectedFingerprint] was used?
- Why is "Server" showing as a fingerprint [DefaultKeyFingerprint] and not [ExpectedFingerprint] and how can I make "Server" showing [ExpectedFingerprint]?
Remarks - not knowing if it matters:
When I generated the keypair leading to [ExpectedFingerprint] I specified an asterix in the domain name * Output of ssh-keygen -l -f for both public keys:
256 SHA256:[ExpectedFingerprint] * (ED25519)
256 SHA256:[DefaultKeyFingerprint] root@mymachine (ECDSA)
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.