I have a high bandwidth server that uses ~3000GBs per day. I use vnstat to track this. Almost two weeks ago, it stopped working. I updated permissions and gave all privileges to the "vnstat" user:
# ls -las
total 128
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 vnstat vnstat 4096 Dec 11 16:10 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 59 root root 4096 Dec 18 00:05 ..
120 -rw-r--r-- 1 vnstat vnstat 122880 Dec 11 16:05 vnstat.db
This is what vnstat looks write now (I'm writing this on 12/22):
Database updated: 2021-12-11 16:05:00
ens3 since 2021-09-08
rx: 112.88 TiB tx: 87.08 TiB total: 199.97 TiB
rx | tx | total | avg. rate
2021-11 52.63 TiB | 40.63 TiB | 93.27 TiB | 316.51 Mbit/s
2021-12 20.51 TiB | 14.90 TiB | 35.41 TiB | 337.84 Mbit/s
estimated 59.59 TiB | 43.28 TiB | 102.87 TiB |
rx | tx | total | avg. rate
2021-12-10 1.83 TiB | 1.38 TiB | 3.21 TiB | 326.93 Mbit/s
2021-12-11 1.53 TiB | 1.14 TiB | 2.67 TiB | 406.13 Mbit/s
estimated 2.29 TiB | 1.70 TiB | 3.99 TiB |
How can I fix this? Can I force the program to update? I've tried the u flag but it seems to be disabled in the version I'm on. My Ubuntu version is 21.04.