
Deprecation warnings python3.8 packages

us flag

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 in WSLg under a Windows 11 insider build (build 22523). When I do certain Python-related things, I keep getting these two warnings:

/home/eafpres/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/ PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.23ubuntu1 is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release
/home/eafpres/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/ PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.36ubuntu1 is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release

For example, I just did: pip install plotly

and got these, but the install worked fine. Similarly, I get them when I start my IDE (Spyder).

Is there something wrong with my Ubuntu install?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Anything in `/home/$USER/.local/` was installed by you manually (apt and snap packages won't install there) and has nothing to do with the functioning of your Ubuntu install. Whatever the problem is, it's not an Ubuntu *system* problem. It's a problem with the version of Python that you manually installed.
us flag
Thanks. I can see that is probably set up by pip, and somewhere installing packages it caused this issue. I haven't been able to find the specific package yet, but this helps.
vn flag
Does this answer your question? [What is the meaning of this PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning warning from pipenv --version?](
ph flag

You are not doing anything wrong. These warnings are caused by not PEP 440 compliant versions of those Python packages. These Ubuntu package versions need to be fixed:


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