
Suddenly, I start from the root directory not my home directory when I login. I want to start from my home directory

jp flag

From some point, suddenly (I guess after an Ubuntu update?), it starts in the root directory when I open a new terminal. I want to start from my home directory as before.

The below is my shell script(I removed all the comments). I am running Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows 10

export ZSH="/home/myubuntu/.oh-my-zsh"

source $ZSH/

alias tre='tree -a -C -I '\''node_modules|.git'\'' --dirsfirst'

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

#cd workspace
if [ "$PWD" = "$HOME" ]; then cd workspace; fi

# added by travis gem
[ ! -s /home/myubuntu/.travis/ ] || source /home/myubuntu/.travis/

This is Ubuntu info

╰─$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

Anyone knows how to fix this?

cc flag
Does your home directory exist? If it doesn't (like if /home was not mounted), then the default current working directory is probably /
mchid avatar
bo flag
I don't have WSL2 up and running so I can't verify this but if you have access to your settings.json file, change the starting directory path to `/home/username` where username = your actual username. Example: `/home/taeil`
mchid avatar
bo flag
I found the answer [here]( and they reference another [similar answer that involves using a path with backslashes instead](
Tommy avatar
jp flag
@ubfan1 it exists.
Tommy avatar
jp flag
@mchid Thank you, that is the problem I have. WOW, you have much better googling skills than me, I couldn't find it by googling for hours.
Tommy avatar
jp flag
@mchid Yap yap yap, I could fix it by replacing forward-slash to back-slash in settings.json ... "startingDirectory": "\\\\wsl$\\Ubuntu\\home\\taeil", ...
terdon avatar
cn flag
@mchid please post an answer explaining the solution so this question can be marked as answered.
ru flag
I'm pretty sure WSL2 provides a command line to start Ubuntu as a certain user under the windows terminal, perhaps not so convenient as you have expected though.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
@funicorn Actually, it's pretty convenient. `wsl -u <username>` will start as any user that is defined in Ubuntu. Also `wsl ~` will start in the home directory.
vn flag

I see in the comments that you got this working, but there are several ways to do this under Windows Terminal:

  • Under Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 11, you can specify a Linux directory instead of the Windows path for startingDirectory. So now /home/taeil will work (assuming you are upgraded). See this answer on Stack Overflow for details and a link to the Microsoft Doc.

  • Under previous versions, you do need to use the Windows format \\wsl$\ path (quoted) as noted in the comments. In your case, it looks like this would be \\\\wsl$\\Ubuntu\\home\\taeil

  • Personally, for using your Linux home directory as a starting point, I recommend this technique (my answer in that same Stack Overflow question). Just start wsl with wsl ~ to start in your home directory.

  • Also, with Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 11, wsl --cd ~ works.

Tommy avatar
jp flag
Thanks, I fixed following the comment. but still good to know various ways. startingDirectory: "~" seems the best way to me.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
@Taeil Ah, if only it worked. I just tried it, and it doesn't :-/. I would have thought that it would pass the `startDirectory` to the `wsl --cd` command, but apparently not. I usually just edit the `commandLine` property myself and force it to `wsl ~`, which I do know works, but if you want to use `startingDirectory':`/home/taeil` is probably the next best thing.

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