
FTP restricted user umask - where is it?

cn flag

I've studied this for days and I cannot find the solution. I have 2 ftp users. Settings in /etc/vsftpd.conf:


The shell that this user logs into is /bin/ftponly. The code is:

echo "This account is limited to FTP access only."
echo "This account is limited to FTP access only."

The user is restricted to an ftp shell and cannot open terminal.

When a user (ex deanhh) uploads a NEW file the permissions are: -rw------- 1 deanhh deanhh 118 Jan 3 19:48 testfile This looks like umask for the user (deanhh) is 0077 correct?

I cannot find where this is being set. I've looked at:

None of these files set that umask. Also, the 'home' directory for deanhh is /var/www/ not /home/deanhh (which does exist) There are no files or subfolders in /var/www/ to indicate the umask or any user settings.

How can I determine where umask is being set for ftp users (namely deanhh)?

cn flag

You set it in /etc/vsftpd.conf.

In case you are wondering about the current permissions: the local_umask setting defaults to 077, disabling groups and others to access files in any way (as you already noticed).

Several options you can have for user auth:

  • file_open_mode sets the default setting of files. 777 sets it readable, writeable and executable for anyone. With local_umask set to 002, this gives you 775.
kristy1024 avatar
cn flag
THANK YOU I couldn't find it because it didn't exist - it was the default. I changed it in /etc/vsftpd.conf as you suggested and now it works correctly.
Fabby avatar
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**@kristy1024** If that works for you don't forget to come back and click the grey check mark below the answer turning it a beautiful green. **Rinzwind:** <10K and you'll be [#1](

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