
Ubuntu 21.04 not showing wireless even though lshw lists it

id flag

I upgraded to 21.04 bc someone said it would solve it but had the same issue in 20.04. Wireless doesn't show at all in network settings "No Wi-Fi adapter found".

lshw does list it:

       description: Network controller
       product: Wireless 8265 / 8275
       configuration: driver=iwlwifi latency=0

and iwlwifi files exist in /lib/firmware/

Laptop: Asus rog strix gl703vm

chili555 avatar
cn flag
Please edit your question to show the result of the terminal command: `sudo modprobe iwlwifi && sudo dmesg | grep iwl` Welcome to Ask Ubuntu.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: If you were using 20.04.3 LTS with the HWE stack, then upgrading to 21.04 will find the same stack (you'll have got a newer stack if you were using the GA kernel stack on 20.04). Please note though Ubuntu 21.04 is in it's final days so upgrade to 21.10 asap. refer

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