
Downloaded Icons not showing in the tweaks in Ubuntu 21.10

sk flag

hi guys I have installed many icons from to try on my ubuntu 21.10 but none of them is showing in the gnome-tweak. it shows only the pre-installed icons and there is no option for new ones.

Steps I did when I download the icons from the

  1. Download the zip file
  2. unzip it and copy it to the /usr/share/icons/
  3. restarted the computer

but nothing helped I tried all the popular icons but none of them is working.

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Link you are giving is not pointing to an icon set. Please remove your salutation: this here is not a user forum, but a Q&A site aimed to build quality questions and answers for future reference.
nobody avatar
gh flag
I would not mix up system icons and my own `mkdir $HOME/.icons/` put the extractet icons there.
be flag

You can copy the icons, but you need example gnome-tweaks to be able to choose which icons / themes ..etc you want on the system.

Try copy to /home/user/.local/share/icons or /usr/share/icons , but check that you have the correct content of the folders. Example

/usr/share/icons/Yaru$ ls
16x16     24x24       32x32     8x8           icon-theme.cache
16x16@2x  24x24@2x    32x32@2x  8x8@2x        index.theme
22x22     256x256     48x48     cursors       scalable
22x22@2x  256x256@2x  48x48@2x  cursor.theme  scalable-max-32

enter image description here

David avatar
cn flag
As written the answer makes no sense.

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