
How can I recover from 'Bus Error' in Ubuntu 20.04?

kh flag

I am trying to deploy a NextJS app in my Ubuntu 20.04. But after installing the dependencies (around 16 of them), I tried to run the app but getting something called 'Bus error'.

enter image description here

I have tried reproducing the issue with an app which has around 4 dependencies and it deploys perfectly.

As I am still learning Linux and Ubuntu, I still couldn't find the actual issue. Can anyone here help me out in solving this issue? It would be a big help as I am just clueless here.

Here's what my RAM usage shows on my VPS:

enter image description here

Here's my VPS information:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Release: 20.04

Codename: focal

These are the programs which are taking up most ram:

[21:47] [ test2] # ps -e -o pid,cmd,%mem --sort=-%mem
    PID CMD                         %MEM
    787 /usr/sbin/mysqld            17.3
   1294 /usr/bin/ofelia daemon --do  6.1
   4203 rspamd: controller process   4.4
   4204 rspamd: normal process (*:1  3.9
   2252 rspamd: main process         3.9
   4201 rspamd: fuzzy process (*:11  3.8
   4202 rspamd: rspamd_proxy proces  3.7
   2239 mysqld                       2.8
   2002 node /home/boomboom/node-apps  2.8
    962 node /home/boomboom/node-apps  2.2
    793 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -  2.1
    940 node /home/boomboom/node-apps  1.6
    985 node /home/boomboom/node-apps  1.5
    934 npm start                    1.4
   2389 python3 -u /app/dockerapi.p  1.4
    950 node /home/boomboom/node-apps  1.2
    841 PM2 v5.1.1: God Daemon (/ho  1.2
    842 PM2 v5.1.1: God Daemon (/ro  1.2
    493 /usr/lib/snapd/snapd         1.1
   2163 python3 -u /        1.1
   3612 /usr/sbin/sogod              1.1
    756 /usr/bin/containerd          1.0
   3526 /usr/sbin/sogod              1.0
   3595 /usr/sbin/sogod              0.9
   3598 /usr/sbin/sogod              0.9
   3596 /usr/sbin/sogod              0.9
   3597 /usr/sbin/sogod              0.9

uz flag
Could it be the fact that the server is started on port 3001, but is expected to run on port 3000?
s.khan avatar
kh flag
@Jos No. I changed the port. Still getting Bus Error. I also stop mysql server as it was using up most of the RAM. It still doesn't work.

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.