
Install Package From Upstream

cn flag

I am trying to install latest version of Apache2 (2.4.52) without compiling from source and all that headache. I saw Ubuntu CVE and there is this version available but in Upstream I tried to do Pin install but that's not working.


Package: apache2
Pin: version 2.4.52
Pin-Priority: 990

Ubuntu Version

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 21.10
Release:        21.10
Codename:       impish

But still apt upgrade or apt-get upgrade can't find this new version

enter image description here

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Unless the version already exists in the official repositories (it doesn't) or provided as a Snap or Flatpak (it isn't) or provided by a PPA (???) then you must compile it from source.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no OS & release details - your paste shows the fix is available; but without release details how are we to know what your actual issue is. Your paste shows the version where the fix is backported for each release.
CodingWithRoyal avatar
cn flag
but according to CVE its already there in UPSTREAM why can't we access it directly from there ?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
The paste shows what package for each release contains the relevant fix (back-ported). You've not provided your release details so we can't know which applies to your system.
CodingWithRoyal avatar
cn flag
@guiverc edited my ubuntu detail... pls check again
guiverc avatar
cn flag contains the fix for *impish* or 21.10 as per your paste. Fixes get back-ported to the version already existing in the repository; the table tells you what package for each release **contains** the CVE fix listed in the page.
CodingWithRoyal avatar
cn flag
@guiverc correct I am only getting 2.4.48 from impish
guiverc avatar
cn flag
That contains your fix - the fix is **back-ported** to the versions in that table; ie. you have the fix already as per the document you provided fixing CVE-2021-44790 with that package.
cn flag

Fixes for CVE-2021-44790

are available for these releases provided in your table on

That means the package 2.4.48-3.1ubuntu3.2 available for Ubuntu 21.10 contains the fix you're after.

Packages are not upgraded to later versions; fixes get back-ported to the existing packages (unless it's more work to backport what's required & re-test, compared to just using a newer package & re-testing everything impacted by the upgraded package - that is rare)

CodingWithRoyal avatar
cn flag
Thank you so much... now it make sense to me
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You're more welcome.

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