
Reset internet on Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS

cn flag

I converted a VirtualBox image (Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS without GUI) to QEMU image (sudo qemu-img convert -f vdi...). It is start and work, but its ethernet network does not. I can not update it etc. It does not matter, but it was bridged card (in VM) and in QEMU is NAT (yet).

I found a temporary solution:

sudo dhclient -r

sudo dhclient

After it internet work well, till the next boot. How can I fix the ethernet settings in the OS? There is a tool what ran during install?

cn flag

You have to modify netplan config file. Replace ens3 by the name of the interface .

You have to execute the command ifconfig and you will get the interface name . Then change the interface name.

root@server:~# vi /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
# enable dhcp4 
  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: yes

then you can do a netplan try to check if there is no syntax error then do a netplan apply

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cn flag
Thank you very mutch, you spare me an install of Ubuntu sever + MySQL. Let me some additions only for someone read this article. 1. ip address ifconfig did not show my 'ens3' adapter, ip adress did it (without ip address and in 'DOWN' state) 2. cd /etc/netplan 3. ls 4. sudo nano 00-installer-config.yaml 5. change 'enp0s3' adapter name in the 4. row to 'ens3' 6. save nano and close it 7. sudo netplan try 8. sudo netplan apply 9. and the internet working again (after boot also)

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