
How to Group Similar Hashes Generated Using Checksum in the same bucket Automatically

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I would appreciate any help on this project. I have parquet files with json schemas and decided to authenticate their integrity when transporting the files using md5sum, hash generation.

Am stuck on trying to find a way to automate the process of grouping the files according to the hash generated. Hence files with the same hash value, automatically are grouped in the same bucket. Currently am using the code below to generate their hash, check for changes and manually what ones are of the same hash are grouped one by one after using the code below

Would be helpful if their is some code that can group same hash files together in one place automatically, without me using the code output below to manually group the hashes one by one.

$ md5sum  sample1.csv  sample3.txt  sample2.csv
$ md5sum sample* > myhashfile.md5
[hash values][1]
$ cat myhashfile.md5
[cat result][2]
$ md5sum --check myhashfile.md5
[check result][3]
$ md5sum --quiet --check myhashfile.md5
[quiet check result][4]
$ sed -i  '3s/.*/a&/'  myhashfile.md5          
$ md5sum --warn --check myhashfile.md5
[Final Result][5]
[Workflow Depiction][6]
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