
20.04 increase txqueuelen

gb flag

I'm trying to increase txqueuelen from the default 1000 to 5000

If i run

# ip link set enp1s0 txqueuelen 5000

It sets it until I reboot. I've looked at persisting this, and this post suggests using a UDEV rule permanently set txqueuelen in 18.04

I've created this by doing the following

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-persistent-network.rules

Its a new blank file, so I pasted

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="change", KERNEL=="enp1s0"  ATTR{tx_queue_len}="5000"

After saving and rebooting, this does not seem to get applied, only by using the first command does it work, with means it doesn't survive reboots

Can someone point me in the right direction on this please

jp flag

Try changing ACTION=="change" to ACTION=="change|add". That is what is used in the link you provided.

I tried a quick test and using ACTION=="change|add" set the tx_queue_len after a reboot but using ACTION=="change" did not.

Quade avatar
gb flag
great thanks, let me try this out
Quade avatar
gb flag
yes that worked thanks, no rep to upvote sorry

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