I'm trying to set up a two external monitor setup on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 64 bit. I'm plugging in the two monitors via an HDMI port (which has always worked) and a USB 3.0 to HDMI port (which is the part causing the issue). Plugging in the HDMI through the adapter introduces lag, which appears to be a known issue, whose proposed solution appears to be to "switch to Wayland".
I tried to follow these instructions for doing so, editing /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to uncomment the appropriate line and I tried rebooting after changing it to "WaylandEnable=false" as well as to "WaylandEnable=true". Either way there was no gear icon on the login screen. I realize that I seem to be using X11 instead of Xorg (don't really know anything about these two Windowing Systems), but this is what came up when I searched "ubuntu change from x11 to wayland", which isn't any more helpful; all documentation on X11 seems to be years out of date.
The driver I'm using for display link was downloaded from here, "DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu5.4.1-EXE.zip" (which, despite the EXE in the filename, contains a linux executable file).
Open to any other adjustments in configuration. Let me know if I need to provide any additional info.
Processor is AMD® Ryzen 5 3500u with radeon vega mobile gfx × 8
Graphics is AMD® Radeon(tm) vega 8 graphics
Windowing System is X11