
An upgrade from 'groovy' to 'impish' is not supported with this tool

jp flag

This is the error when I type do-release-upgrade:

enter image description here

Error is An upgrade from 'groovy' to 'impish' is not supported with this tool.

Make sure that I did


sudo sed -i "s/old-releases/archive/g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
in flag
There is no direct upgrade from 20.10 to 21.10; you would need to upgrade to 21.04 first, but that interim release is no longer available. If you would like to upgrade to the latest interim release, you will need to make an installation USB and install overtop your current installation
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You missed your window by a few days.. 20.10 upgraded as already stated by @matigo to *hirsute*, but if you check out you'll note there is a "Supported: 0" or no longer supported because it's EOL ( You can *upgrade via re-install* rather easily with desktop installs; ie. no loss of files, and *manually installed* packages are auto-reinstall (if available in Ubuntu repositories for the new release) but you didn't specify your type of install.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: You should `apt full-upgrade` before you attempt *do-release-upgrade* though I suspect it'll make no difference in your case, given the error messages isn't reporting you have updates you've not yet applied (there are cases where `apt upgrade` cannot continue and you need to `dist-upgrade` or `full-upgrade` to apply upgrades; see `man apt` for more details if needed) 20.04 or the LTS release can go direct (*not generally advised but possible*), but you weren't on the LTS
Someone avatar
my flag
The only way to upgrade from Ubuntu 20.10 to 21.10 is by changing `sources.list`. However, that will more likely break your system. As mentioned by Guiverc and Matigo, reinstallation is the best option. Make sure you've a backup of everything important.
ismail k avatar
jp flag
guiverc : I did dist-upgrade and full-upgrade but the same error message had been displayed
ismail k avatar
jp flag
is there a command to reinstall? can i do it without usb?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You can use whatever devices your hardware will boot from, be it CD, DVD, USB-thumb-drive, SSD, HDD, cflash, even magnetic tape IF your hardware can be made to boot from the media; ie. USB is only one choice. (FYI: I said I suspected it'd make no difference in your case; as the error message is different if that was your issue; your issue is 21.04 is EOL & you missed the *release-upgrade* window)
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [How to install software or upgrade from an old unsupported release?](
pLumo avatar
in flag
Does this answer your question? [Can I skip over releases when upgrading?](
pLumo avatar
in flag
I disagree with it being off-topic, as questions about updating to a supported release are on-topic. However, it is a duplicate.
gb flag
@guiverc -- how do I do a non-destructive "reinstall?" I've never heard of such a thing.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
I'm involved with Lubuntu where it's called *install using existing partition* (I personally prefer *upgrade via re-install*) where I document it here - (search for "*Install using existing partition:*") That doc is geared for QA-testers, not end-users & works with all Ubuntu *flavors*... Key is to re-use existing partitions & don't format; the no-format is what triggers this type of install... It's far faster than *release-upgrade* & allows you to skip release during upgrade -- as always backup first
cn flag
You'll need to go thru all the intermediate releases until the last one. You should be able to upgrade by downloading the upgrade archives manually, and running them each in turn, following => I'm doing it now, will keep you posted.
gb flag
You can follow the directions here:

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