
Autorun script after boot with delay

cn flag

I would need some help of this forum. I have a script which uses ffmpeg and when I run it from the terminal ./ it works all fine.

Now I would like to autorun the script eg. 3 minutes after start-up. Alltogether there are 3 cameras and every camera has its own script file.

Then the question, what would be the best way autonrun all the 3 scripts 3 minutes after Ubuntu starts up? So that there would be 3 terminals open in the end.


#Grab snapshot from RTSP-stream
ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i > rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/101/ -s 1280x960 -vf fps=1/3 Kamera1_%07d.jpeg

#Delete previous taken snapshots older than 14 days
find /home/omistaja/Kuvat/kamera1/ -name '*.jpeg' -mtime +14 -delete

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Does this answer your question? [Delay startup application in Xubuntu](
s3idani avatar
cn flag
what do you mean by _"there would be 3 terminals open in the end"_ ?

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