
Certificates are not valid startup message

cz flag

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Two weeks ago the following message started to pop up during the startup process: "Certificates are not valid, you must be logged in as root to create new ones." I really do not know what I've done to cause such behavior.

pop up messsage

Could anyone help me to solve this little issue? Thanks in advance.

in flag
A message like this points more to certificates that have expired rather than something you may have done. The question is really more about *which* certificates have expired, as it doesn’t seem to be preventing you from using the machine. What message do you see when you run `sudo update-ca-certificates` in Terminal?
rms avatar
cz flag
This is the message after running the sudo update-ca-certificates command: **'Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 0 added, 0 removed; done. Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d... done. done.'**
in flag
Hmm ... we'll need to see if there is anything in the logs to say *which* certificates need to be updated, then. Could you take a look in `/var/log/syslog` to see if there are any messages complaining about certificates from around the time you signed into the machine and received this error?
FedKad avatar
cn flag
Just a simple check: is your system date and time (and timezone) correct?
rms avatar
cz flag
thanks @matigo everything seems to be ok
rms avatar
cz flag
Thanks @matigo everything seems to be ok (or not? I had to trim the text cause it's too long): Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates blacklist: Loading compiled-in revocation X.509 certificates integrity: Loading X.509 certificate: UEFI:db Revoking X.509 certificate: UEFI:dbx integrity: Loading X.509 certificate: UEFI:MokListRT (MOKvar table) cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database Listening on GnuPG network certificate management daemon.
rms avatar
cz flag
Thanks @FedKad but the system date/time/timezone are correct.

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