
Suggestions for Nginx file permissions on Ubuntu (VM) server

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Being new to playing with Ubuntu 20.04 (VM) server, I am here to seek suggestions instead of messing up with the system :)

I have Nginx server installed that is ready to serve HTML files from /var/www/html, once file permissions are sorted out. The Nginx server is installed to serve HTML files content to a front-end app. Some ports may be allowed "public access" (external access / beyond network firewall) and in principle, front-end app talks to these ports to show HTML files data in the app. Some HTML files have associated JS and CSS files.

I seek some suggestions to fix permissions for my above use-case. I definitely don't want to run into chmod 777 trap :) Is it sudo chmod -R 755 that I need to serve HTML files to the app? I occasionally need to edit the HTML files as well in the same directory.

I checked the permissions on /var/www/html, and this is what Ubuntu told me.

$ ls -ld /var/www
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 11 21:23 /var/www


$ ls -ld /var/www/html
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 26 23:20 /var/www/html

Apparently, root is the "king" here having all the permissions. My user is not a root user, but I have root privilege since I can run sudo commands without any problems.


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