
Please help edit Gtk pathway- Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Focal proxychain thru snap brave browser

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I'm a newbie trying to install proxychain v4 on ubuntu 20.04. when I try to open proxychain via commandline-- proxychain brave -- i get a error message "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"" I have the latest version of "canberra-gtk-module" installed. Also, DNS leak test reveals my actual location too.

I think I know the problem... perhaps the pathway to the Gtk module requires edit because Brave browser launches through Snap. As I deduced from this post-- In Ubuntu 21.10, Firefox and Chromium cannot open file in hidden directory

Can someone please confirm my theory and advise me on how to complete the edit assuming this is the issue. Please forgive any errors in protocol as I am a newbie to this forum as well as ubuntu. THanks in advance

in flag
edited, thanks for your help
in flag
noted...can you help with the edit I asked about?

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