I'm a life-long Windows PC guy (boo hiss) whose friend was getting rid of a 2010 27-inch iMac (as the hard drive had failed). I took it from him and I figured I could use it as way to learn Linux. I bought an SSD and replaced the HD. Then I installed Ubuntu as a single install, deleting the Mac OS recovery partition in the process (which I now understand was a mistake).
Ubuntu 20.04 installed with no hiccups. Interestingly, when it boots I get nothing for 5 seconds, then the too-loud Mac start-up sound (more boo hiss), then a white screen for 10 seconds, then a black screen for 30 seconds, then the scrolling Ubuntu text starts. I gather this is normal for an old iMac running Ubuntu, but have no experience.
Anyway, I found a popular YouTube, 50 Things to Do After installing Ubuntu 20.04, and started to follow these guidelines. After finishing his 11th step yesterday, I shut the computer down for the evening. Some of his steps include decreasing the swap use by editing /etc/sysctl.conf
and reducing SSD writes by editing fstab
. I followed the instructions carefully.
This morning I started to continue the remaining steps from the YouTube video, but I could not get the machine to boot! I have tried Ctrl+C while booting and putting in a bootable flash drive, but neither have allowed me to boot from the flash drive or get to the Ubuntu GRUB boot loader.
Messages I am seeing include but are not limited to:
Failed to start Login Service
Failed to start Modem Manager
Failed to start Hostname Service
Failed to start Service for snap application
Failed to start Network Name Resolution
Failed to start Snap Daemon
Here is a screenshot of the boot errors: