- Problem detected several months ago after system had be working normally for many months.
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Built-in ethernet port connected directly to wifi router
- Can ping any ethernet devices on LAN and have full access to WAN through router.
- cannot ping any wifi device associated with router. Destination is unreachable. Can ping other wifi devices connected to other access points (2 additional on LAN).
- Disable built-in ethernet port and enable either wifi or USB-ethernet port and all devices on lan are pingable.
- Other than the link device used I cannot see any difference in route tables for any of the links when each is individually enabled.
- Arp table is incomplete for unreachable devices when built-in ethernet link is used. Arp table shows those devices when either USB-ethernet or wifi links are used.
Since I've had workarounds I have not been pursuing very aggressively. However, it is now bugging me. What would cause arp to fail for the built-in specifically when trying to reach stations associated with the router but not the USB-ethernet link connected to the same router?
I will be looking into masquerading the MAC address to see if it is the router that is treating the links differently or truly within the network stack. Any advice on how to fix or further investigate is appreciated.
Update: I swapped MAC addresses between the built-in link and the USB-ethernet link and the problem stayed with the built-in link.