
How do I get sudo or admin permissions without using the password

fr flag

My old computer had linux on my old computer and I had a friend that went into the grub menu and did something and that gave me administration permissions. Lately that friend has not listened to me at all and won't do it again so can someone show me a tutorial on how to do that. It would be GREATLY appreciated. Pls HELP.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no OS & release details; so any duplicate links may not apply to your *unstated* product & *unstated* release; so adjust accordingly.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Grub? That suggests your "friend" chose one of the recovery options. Bad idea for regular use.
gb flag

Open a Terminal window and type the following command:

sudo visudo

type in your password when prompted and add the following line in the sudoers file

$your_user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Replace &your_user_name with your username.

Crtl+x -> y -> Enter

to save and quit.

Pro_Inkling avatar
fr flag
This does not work
AbP avatar
gb flag
@Pro_Inkling And? Saying "this doesn't work" leads us nowhere if you don't explain what the issue is properly, where you are seeing unexpected behavior, or any errors you are facing.
Pro_Inkling avatar
fr flag
This answer is for people who have Sudo already. I don't have Sudo permissions. I want to know how to go into the grub menu and give myself sudo there. I haven't seen anyone who can do it and my friend is not in a good mood with me even though I did nothing to him. SO this answer is not useful.
Pro_Inkling avatar
fr flag
My computer is Linux mint 20.3

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