
Black screen troubleshooting

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Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, on a Lenovo Ideapad 130

Problem started as:

  • If I log from default GNOME signin screen. Screen goes black. Only way to recover is hard reset
  • If I switch to tty2 and sign in there, I can switch back and sign in and get GNOME desktop. The tty acts mostly as expected, except that it would occasionally spit out an ACPI error. If I let the desktop go to black screen, it won't come back and I can't switch back to tty2. If I reboot from the desktop, screen goes black and reboot never finished. If I reboot from tty, reboot finishes

What I've done so far: backed up my files and reinstalled Ubuntu, using the OEM installer. Problem is half fixed.

  • If I use GNOME login screen, I get the desktop. If I let the desktop go black, I can't recover.
  • If I login to tty2 and then switch back and log in using GNOME, I get the desktop, but it still won't come back from black. No ACPI errors have arisen yet.
  • If I plug in a second monitor, I can mirror the display of the desktop. If I let the screen go black, the second monitor comes back, but the main monitor doesn't. If the second monitor is plugged in, I can reboot from there (via terminal or desktop command).

I'm at a loss for what to do here. The main monitor appears to work perfectly besides not coming back from black screen. As an interim solution, I've disabled the monitor blackout. What should I investigate?


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