
ssh-askpass error from sshpass/ssh

in flag

One of our suppliers delivered a new embedded system for us to test and one of my bash test scripts is failing with:

sshpass -p xxxxxx ssh  -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" root@rpi-2 "Do stuff"
ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/lib64/misc/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory
Permission denied, please try again.

It appears they have upgraded to Ubuntu (from Gentoo):

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

A google search led me to this forum where another thread (link removed) indicated a similar issue that was solved by installing an ssh-askpass package. Checking with apt list, I find there is no ssh-askpass installed on this system which I believe is the root cause of my issue. My problem is of course, most of this system is read-only and I cannot do any apt installs (at least none that would modify /bin /lib /usr etcetera).

I was under the impression ssh-askpass was used in a GUI environment and was not required for CLI invocations of ssh. While X is installed here, it is not involved in the session I am running from. Both DISPLAY and SSH_ASKPASS are unset in my environment.

So I am wondering if there is a workaround for this problem or is my only alternative to go back to the supplier and ask them to include ssh-askpass package in their distribution which they might do but will take at least one development cycle (months) to approve.

The end goal is simply to remote execute a bash script on a Raspberry Pi from the embedded system via the LAN with no user interaction (i.e. no password prompt).


hr flag
Have you considered using public key authentication instead?
in flag

Here's a workaround:

export SSH_ASKPASS=/var/bin/my_ssh-askpass


# my_ssh-askpass: Provide password to ssh
echo "password"
BaTycoon avatar
mm flag
You could use your variable inline so its not permanently set in the environment. `$ SSH_ASKPASS=/var/bin/my_ssh-askpass ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" root@rpi-2 "Do stuff"`

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