
Cronjob Set off from Web Portal

cv flag

Ubuntu 20.04 Apache

Is there a way for a cron job to be executed from the web portal?

We have tried to trigger the cron job using different methods.

PHP - Adding Cron Job

    static public function save_cron_jobs($jobs = array()) {
        $save_cron_query = 'echo "'.self::array_to_string($jobs).'" | crontab -u main -';
        $output = shell_exec($save_cron_query);
        echo($save_cron_query . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
        return $output; 

We did find success in this before when running the code on a centos server.

We have also tried adding the web user "www-data" to the cron include list.

raj avatar
cn flag
You are using option `-u main` to crontab. Is your web script running under user `main`? You cannot modify crontab of a different user, unless the code is running as root.

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