
Format a permanent-data SD Card

gt flag

I want to make a bootable pen drive of windows. I have a 64-GB SD Card in which I want to make it. But it is not formatting. The files are all coming back. I think it's not corrupted. Can you please help me ?

David avatar
cn flag
What version of Ubuntu are you using? What are the exact commands you are running to make the pen drive?
gt flag
I am using Ubuntu 20.04 x64 I am making the pen drive with Balena Etcher but the moment it is completed it is showing an error.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Due to the Microsoft ISOs incompatibility with most tools you need to use MKUSB:
cn flag

The most likely issue would be the physical write protection switch on the side of the card is preventing writes - toggle the switch and try again.

SD cards are notoriously unreliable - check dmesg and journalctl to see if any error messages appear when inserting the card. Also use badblock to see if the card is experiencing any read/write errors.

gt flag
Thanks, but all are ok. The data in the SD Card is coming again, after deleting all the files and taking out and mounting it again.

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