
I can't find the installed application (HDSentinel_GUI) anywhere

in flag

I've downloaded and installed HDSentinel GUI tar package but I can't see it in the application panel. Where can I find it?

I've installed it as below:

tar -xvf hdsentinel_gui64bit.tar.xz
cd HDSentinel_GUI
sudo ./

Content of

echo ""
echo "Unzip the HDSentinel_GUI archive to /home/your user name/HDSentinel_Light/"
echo ""
##Unzip the HDSentinel_GUI archive
unzip -d ~/
echo ""
echo "Copy icon the icon folder"
echo ""
##Copy icon the icon folder
sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/HDSentinel_GUI.ico -t /usr/share/icons
echo "Set owner and permission for icon"
echo ""
##Set owner and permission for icon
sudo chmod 444 /usr/share/icons/HDSentinel_GUI.ico
echo "Make directory 'usr/share/bin' if not present"
echo ""
##make directory usr/share/bin if not present
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/bin
echo "Premission for folder"
echo ""
##premission for folder
sudo chmod -R a+rwx /usr/share/bin
echo "Copy to bin library"
echo ""
##Copy the bin folder
sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/HDSentinel_GUI -t /usr/share/bin
sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/HDSentinel -t /usr/share/bin
echo "Set premission for application"
echo ""
##Set premission for application
sudo chmod a+rwx /usr/share/bin/HDSentinel_GUI
sudo chmod a+rwx /usr/share/bin/HDSentinel
echo "Make directory for user menu if not present"
echo ""
##Make directory for user menu if not present
sudo mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications
echo "Copy launcher to user menu"
echo ""
##Copy launcher to user menu
sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop -t ~/.local/share/applications
echo "Set premission for menu launcher"
echo ""
##set premission for menu launcher
sudo chmod a+rwx ~/.local/share/applications/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop
echo "Copy launcher to Asztal if present"
echo ""
##copy launcher to desktop
##sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop -t ~/Asztal
##echo "Copy launcher to Desktop if present"
echo ""
##copy launcher to desktop eng
##sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop -t ~/Desktop
echo ""
##echo "Set premission for launcher (Desktop)"
echo ""
##Set premission for launcher
##sudo chmod a+rwx ~/Desktop/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop
echo ""
##echo "Set premission for launcher (Asztal)"
echo ""
##set premission for launcher
##sudo chmod a+rwx ~/Asztal/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop
echo "Remove install temp directory (/home/your user name/HDSentinel_GUI/)"
##Remove ~/HDSentinel_GUI directory
rm -d -rf ~/HDSentinel_GUI
Glubbdrubb avatar
cn flag
What steps did you follow to install it?
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
I'll add it to original question.
Glubbdrubb avatar
cn flag
Could you include the content of the `ì` file?
Someone avatar
my flag
Can you add the output of `ls ~/.local/share/applications | grep -i Hard`
Glubbdrubb avatar
cn flag
Did the install procedure produce any errors? From that file, you should have a desktop shortcut.
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
There was no error but I don't have a desktop icon. @Someone this turns out nothing. I just installed ubuntu few hours ago.
Someone avatar
my flag
Is there any directory named `HDSentinel_GUI` in your `~/` directory?
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
That is home directory, right? No, there isn't.
Someone avatar
my flag
@AndrewHarlan Try running: `sudo unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/`.
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
No such file or directory it says. Actually I found it at usr/share/bin directory.
Someone avatar
my flag
Where is the `.zip` file of HDSentinel?
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
it flag

The script copied the executable files to /usr/share/bin/:

sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/HDSentinel_GUI -t /usr/share/bin
sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/HDSentinel -t /usr/share/bin

The "launcher" (a .desktop file) was copied to /.local/share/applications/.

sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop -t ~/.local/share/applications
Andrew Harlan avatar
in flag
When I double click on the .desktop file, it opens with text editor. Shouldn't it suppose to launch the application instead?
my flag

Apparently, there were some errors with the installation script ie. There was no .zip file in ~/ for the desktop launchers. We fixed the error in this chat room.

Here are the steps we followed:

  1. Reinstall the application:

    cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf hdsentinel_gui64bit.tar.xz && cd HDSentinel_GUI && sudo ./
  2. The ~/ directory now had a directory named HD_Sentinel_GUI.

  3. Next, we created a launcher file at desktop and the applications overview:

    sudo cp ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop ~/Desktop 
  4. Next, we gave executable permissions to the file so that it won't open with a text editor:

    sudo chmod +x ~/HDSentinel_GUI/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop
  5. Next, we created a desktop launcher for the Applications Overview:

    sudo cp ~/Desktop/Hard_Disk_Sentinel_GUI.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Now, the app was appearing as a launcher and was working as expected!


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