
Single application visible (not a web kiosk)?

cn flag

I'm looking to make a dedicated writing machine. Essentially what I want is a fullscreen text editor like focuswriter with dropbox running so I can sync my writing file with other computers.

I'm not a linux power user—I've gone down a few paths of trying to start with a terminal-based linux distro and add what I need, but I keep on hitting dead ends.

So, I have a dell latitude laptop, ubuntu (budgie) installed, dropbox installed, my writing program installed.

How can I now make it so that the writing program starts up automatically on boot and have nothing else accessible?

Any ideas?


in flag

Your choices might be:

  1. Cage, a Wayland-based compositor designed to run a single application. You might be able to make it run dropbox in background with a shell script.
  2. xinit, a command do launch another X windowing server instance. Best used in a tty like so: xinit office-command $* -- :0 vt$XDG_VTNR. You can also write a ~/.xinitrc file that specifies commands you want to autorun, including dropbox.
  3. Sway with Waybar. It has quite a bit of a learning curve, but it has excellent tray support, and can make any kind of window fullscreen at will with Win + F. It's also rather user-friendly, for a tiling WM.

If you choose xinit or Cage, you might want to look at stalonetray, as a tray is required and optimal for Dropbox.

As for the autostart bit, run sudoedit /usr/share/xsessions/write-and-dropbox.desktop. An editor will pop up, and you should enter something like:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Write Mode
Comment=Start Office and Dropbox in stalonetray

Save, then create the aforementioned file with sudoedit /usr/local/bin/writemode-init and add something like this (depends on what you chose as a solution):

# ^^^ define the interpreter
cage 'sh -c "your-office-app &; stalonetray &; sleep 1; dropbox &;"'

Save it too, then make it executable with sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/writemode-init. Reboot, and now you should be able to select and use "Write Mode" (or whaever you call it) from your login screen. It is recommended to reboot beforehand and test the newly added writemode-init command in a TTY to make sure it works as intended.

Good luck! :)

cn flag
Thank you! Cage sounds like it might be a little outside of my abilities. If I were to go the xinit route, would the directions be essentially the same?
David avatar
cn flag
As this is not an actual solution it should have been made as a comment.
Savchenko Dmitriy avatar
in flag
@Tom, yes, but you probably would like to make the writemode-init script firs `xinit &` the tray then actually launch Dropbox and your office application.
Savchenko Dmitriy avatar
in flag
@David - in which way is this post not a solution? Also, comments do not support long texts, try to paste my post in a comment and you'll see why.

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