
Anyone know how to fix this 403 - Forbidden error when trying to view my lighttpd info.php file?

bd flag

I'm working on a lab project for one of my cybersecurity classses and am getting an error message where one shouldn't be. We are using lighttpd and I also installed the programs below: php, php-cgi, php-mysql, and php-fpm.

I then created an info.php file containing:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

The lighttpd localhost page loads fine, as seen below, but localhost/info.php does not.

lighttpd localhost loads fine.

localhost/info.php gives error 403.

Thank you all so much.

*Edit: Changed localhost/ to localhost/info.php

Soren A avatar
mx flag
What is the output f `ls -l php-info` in the http root dir ? And what user is running th webserver ?
FiteNite avatar
bd flag
@SorenA The resulting output is as follows: ls: cannot access 'php-info' no such file or directory. I'm running as an administrator.
FiteNite avatar
bd flag
@matigo The name of the file is 'info.php'
cn flag

sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi

sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php

sudo systemctl restart lighttpd

Fixed this problem on my system.

FiteNite avatar
bd flag
Thank you so much!!

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