if I start sonic-pi on my ubuntu system, I get the following error:
[GUI] - could not open file /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/info
In fact the whole directory pcm0p doesn't exist. This is as deep as I can dive into the proc tree:
$ ls /proc/asound/card0/
codec#0 eld#0.1 eld#0.11 eld#0.13 eld#0.15 eld#0.3 eld#0.5 eld#0.7 eld#0.9 pcm10p pcm12p pcm7p pcm9p
eld#0.0 eld#0.10 eld#0.12 eld#0.14 eld#0.2 eld#0.4 eld#0.6 eld#0.8 id pcm11p pcm3p pcm8p
Any comments on how I can resolve this, are highly welcome.
Here, the description of my system:
$ uname -a
Linux media 5.13.0-30-generic #33~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 7 14:25:10 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
Some additional notes:
Maybe this has something to do, that I have some sound devices in my system. I have the onboard sound device of my motherboard and I guess also my Nvidia RTX 2070 has a sound device on board. But I would really want to use my onboard sound, since my Nvidia Card is just reserved for machine learning and all sound goes through my onboard sound card.
Maybe this helps:
juergen@media:~/tmp$ cat /proc/asound/devices
1: : sequencer
2: [ 1- 3]: digital audio playback
3: [ 1- 7]: digital audio playback
4: [ 0- 3]: digital audio playback
5: [ 0- 7]: digital audio playback
6: [ 1- 8]: digital audio playback
7: [ 1- 9]: digital audio playback
8: [ 1- 0]: hardware dependent
9: [ 0- 8]: digital audio playback
10: [ 0- 9]: digital audio playback
11: [ 0-10]: digital audio playback
12: [ 0-11]: digital audio playback
13: [ 0-12]: digital audio playback
14: [ 0- 0]: hardware dependent
15: [ 1] : control
16: [ 0] : control
17: [ 2- 0]: digital audio playback
18: [ 2- 0]: digital audio capture
19: [ 2- 1]: digital audio playback
20: [ 2- 2]: digital audio capture
21: [ 2- 0]: hardware dependent
22: [ 2] : control
33: : timer
I saw, that pcm0p exists here (for card2 instead of card0):
Not sure now if I should use /proc/asound/card2/pcm0p
or /proc/asound/card0/pcm3p
and how I could make sonic-pi use any of these two.