
Internal Mic not recording sound in ASUS RoG

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(Note: Posting here after getting no reply from unix stackexchange)

I recently bought an ASUS ROG PC thinking 'what could go wrong'. Perhaps now I am paying the price.. at least I got over the hurdle of hDPI. Now, I got a internal microphone problem.

  • The internal microphone works in Windows, does not in Ubuntu
  • System indeed reports microphone, but only dead silence could be recorded
  • Tried restarting alsa & pulseaudio, meddling with alsamixer volumes, ineffective
  • One strange thing: alsamixer shows NVIDIA initially, and I have to switch to Realtek to control the sounds
  • Looking at what happens right after enabling the microphone, it seems like adaptive audio is filtering any signal - but I don't know

How do I fix this? Thank you!

EDIT: No one? :<

cn flag

You can try the following steps.

  • Install pavucontrol: sudo apt install -y pavucontrol`

  • Run it with: sudo pavucontrol

  • Now, look for "Input Devices" tab

  • Unlock the channels by clicking on the lock icon

  • Set the right-front channel to silence

Abastro avatar
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Sorry, I tried it and it does not work.

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