
Postfix Hostname Change mailbox issues

ru flag

Please excuse my ignorance.

I changed the my server name and the hostname my domain was and now it is

When I send an email to one of my email addresses [email protected] I get this message in postfix

[email protected], [email protected], relay=local, delay=0.1, delays=0.09/0/0/0, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "")

I changed everything that I could find. I have other domains that work, the main domain is the only one that doesn`t work.

Thank you very much for your support.

Love you people

ru flag
Without seeing your code that is sending the email and without seeing your mail server configuration files, it's impossible to really answer this. It looks like, however, your email is not being processed properly and directing to an incorrect domain - we need to see all your configurations for Postfix to really determine what's going on here.
ru flag
@ThomasWard would be enough ? or what else can I provide to make this clear
ru flag should be sufficient unless you have any customizations in or such. but we also need to see how you're crafting the email that's being handed off to your SMTP server as well.

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