
Problem whit root password

ru flag

I want to use asus wifi usb thing on my pc and I need to intstall some stuff and I need root for that when I put in my password then it dose not show it and when I press enter it seys Authentication failure I have try it many times but it dose not work amd if I try to open it it seys that the file is dangerus i got the file from the cd what come in the box.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Passwords should not show; which is a security move in case someone is behind you & reading your screen as you type. You've provided no OS & release details though; Ubuntu uses `sudo` to elevate privileges as root account is *disabled* by default.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
^^^ Meaning: You use the same password defined for your user and it won't show up when typing in terminal. That said, **if you need to install drivers for a USB WiFi dongle, the ones bundled with it (i.e. from a CD) are usually NOT the correct choice**. So, I strongly advise (1) deltete this questions - it goes in unnecessary and newbie like tangents -, (2) post a new question correctly identifying the problem - USB WiFi doesm't work out-of-the-box and needs manually installed drivers - along with the result of `lsusb` command with the dongle inserted (only one line identifies the dongle).

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