I'm trying to troubleshoot an Ubuntu autoinstaller using cloud-init & autoinstall. Ideally I'm trying to have it encrypt & partition the main OS disk on a laptop after the installer runs. Everything in the following file is working, except for the Storage section, which I've copied over after running through the installer with Storage as interactive.
Here is the user-data file which I put together after reviewing a few different resources:
version: 1
refresh-installer: # start with an up-to-date installer
update: yes
channel: stable # update from the ubuntu stable branch only
interactive-sections: # Install groups listed here will wait for user input
- network
- identity
locale: en_US.UTF-8
layout: us
allow-pw: false
install-server: false
- grub_device: false
id: disk-nvme0n1
name: ''
path: /dev/nvme0n1
preserve: false
ptable: gpt
serial: KINGSTON SNVS1000G_50026B7784415179
type: disk
wipe: superblock
wwn: eui.00000000000000000026b77844151795
- device: disk-nvme0n1
flag: boot
grub_device: true
id: partition-0
number: 1
preserve: false
size: 536870912
type: partition
wipe: superblock
- fstype: fat32
id: format-0
preserve: false
type: format
volume: partition-0
- device: disk-nvme0n1
flag: ''
grub_device: false
id: partition-1
number: 2
preserve: false
size: 1073741824
type: partition
wipe: superblock
- fstype: ext4
id: format-1
preserve: false
type: format
volume: partition-1
- device: disk-nvme0n1
flag: ''
grub_device: false
id: partition-2
number: 3
preserve: false
size: 998591430656
type: partition
wipe: superblock
- id: dm_crypt-0
keyfile: /tmp/luks-key-em_r7gfw
preserve: false
type: dm_crypt
volume: partition-2
- devices:
- dm_crypt-0
id: lvm_volgroup-0
name: ubuntu-vg
preserve: false
type: lvm_volgroup
- id: lvm_partition-0
name: ubuntu-lv
preserve: false
size: 107374182400B
type: lvm_partition
volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0
wipe: superblock
- fstype: ext4
id: format-2
preserve: false
type: format
volume: lvm_partition-0
- device: format-2
id: mount-2
path: /
type: mount
- device: format-1
id: mount-1
path: /boot
type: mount
- device: format-0
id: mount-0
path: /boot/efi
type: mount
version: 1
preserve_sources_list: false
- arches: [amd64, i386]
uri: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
- arches: [default]
uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
conf: | # APT config
Get {
Assume-Yes "true";
Fix-Broken "true";
ignored1: # for yaml formatting. below adds graphics drivers ppa
source: ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
- name: slack
classic: true
channel: stable
- build-essential
- ubuntu-desktop
- dkms
# Zoom dependencies
- libgl1-mesa-glx
- libegl1-mesa
- libxcb-xtest0
- libxcb-xinerama0
# - wormhole for an easy to use encrypted file transfer
- wormhole
- emacs
#- Commented out desktop environments for future selection menu via grub
#- ubuntu-mate-desktop
#- xfce4
#- kde-full
- git
- libreoffice
# pavucontrol for bluetooth/pulseaudio
- pavucontrol
#- gnome-session - used for ubuntu-minimal-desktop
#- gdm3 - ubuntu-minimal-desktop
# ClamAV packages
- clamav
- clamtk
#- clamtk-gnome
- clamav-daemon
- clamav-docs
# - chrome & some dependencies for the user experience
- google-chrome-stable
- chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
# Bluetooth dependencies
- bluez-btsco
- bluez-dbg
- bluez-hcidump
- bluez-tools
- libbluetooth3-dbg
# End of Bluetooth dependencies
# These packages are for adding a repo that requires https, in particular for Sublime Text which we install later
- dirmngr
- gnupg
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- software-properties-common
- sublime-text
# End https repo/sublime dependencies
# Uncomment for OEM kernel
#- linux-oem-20.04b
package_update: true
package_upgrade: true
# Transfer RHR wallpaper from USB to user backgrounds
# Changing from networkd to NetworkManager
# move existing config out of the way
- find /target/etc/netplan/ -name "*.yaml" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "$1-orig"' _ {} \;
# Create a new netplan and enable it
- |
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /target/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
version: 2
renderer: NetworkManager
- curtin in-target --target /target netplan generate
- curtin in-target --target /target netplan apply
- curtin in-target --target /target systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
#- cp /target/cdrom/extras/desktop-wp.png /target/usr/share/backgrounds/
user-data: # Commands here run during first boot (cannot be interactive)
runcmd: # The script below will be dropped in /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/runcmd.sh and will be executed at first boot
- [ apt-get, update ]
- [ apt-get, dist-upgrade, --yes ]
# Install Google Chrome from the official repository setup earlier
- [ apt, install, --assume-yes, google-chrome-stable ]
# Make a directory for additional post-installers
- [ mkdir, -p, /run/post-install/ ]
# Download & install Zoom
- [ wget, "https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_amd64.deb", -O, /run/post-install/zoom_amd64.deb]
- [ dpkg, -i, /run/post-install/zoom_amd64.deb ]
- [ apt, --fix-broken, --assume-yes, install ]
# Remove packages we don't need
- apt-get --assume-yes purge firefox thunderbird byobu
- apt autoremove --assume-yes
#- [ sudo, -u, ubuntu, dbus-launch, gsettings, set, org.gnome.desktop.background, picture-uri, file:///usr/share/backgrounds/desktop-wp.png]
- apt update
- apt install --assume-yes sublime-text
# Add chrome & sublime text to favorites (currently not working)
- gsettings set org.gnome.shell favorite-apps "$(gsettings get org.gnome.shell favorite-apps | sed s/.$//), 'google-chrome.desktop', 'sublime_text.desktop']"
- gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'
I've tried commenting out the "serial" section in Storage to see if that would make a change, but even copying the output from the curtin-install-cfg.yaml for the Storage section doesn't seem to work.
I found this bug report that seems to imply something simpler may come in the future but isn't here yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1913986
Referenced the following in building this out:
The PGP keys for Chrome & Sublime-Text have been omitted due to length but they're working. Just can't get the storage setup!
Any guidance is appreciated!