I am trying to get a video driver to support my CPU supported video output (specifically the Intel AlderLake-S GT1).
Here is the output from inxi
Device-1: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 driver: N/A
The instructions I was following for the Intel media-driver on GitHub at https://github.com/intel/media-driver instruct me to build gmmlib at https://github.com/intel/gmmlib) which I have.
Unfortunately I cannot get the media-driver's cmake to find the build I did when I created gmmlib.
The "cmake ../media-driver" command complains with:
-- Checking for module 'igdgmm>=12.0.0'
-- No package 'igdgmm' found
I have the file structure as follows
I'm running the cmake command from within the "build_media" directory using the following.
cmake ../media-driver
When cmake is looking for a module, where does it look? What file is it looking for? How do you direct it to a specific directory?
uname -srm
: Linux 5.13.0-30-generic x86_64
lspci -k | grep -iE "VGA|video|3d|graphic" -A3
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation AlderLake-S GT1 (rev 0c)
DeviceName: Onboard - Video Subsystem: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd AlderLake-S GT1
Kernel modules: i915
00:0a.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Device 467d (rev 01)