
How to upgrade 20.04.X to get all that 20.04.4 goodness

es flag

I'm looking for some advice on how I can upgrade 100's of Ubuntu 20.04.X installations to get all that 20.04.4 goodness.

First some background:

I manage an environment where we have 100's of Ubuntu 20.04.X installations. Up until now, we've just lived with the fact that they are using lvmpipe instead of the built-in/onboard Intel graphics. Anyways for poops and giggles I decided to download the latest 20.04.4 ISO and throw it on a system and to my shock and surprise it was listed and working!

I immediately tried some upgrading of a few of our existing systems and while it did upgrade to 20.04.4, we did not enjoy the same results.

Of note, I noticed that the upgrade kept us on the 5.04 Kernel. Of course I did (and have in the past) try upgrading to the 5.13 HWE kernel and that didn't seem to work.

So I'm wondering... short of having to re-install the OS on all these systems (which really isn't an option we want to explore), does anyone know of some dark magic that I can use to upgrade an existing installation to get all the bits and parts that are obviously included on the ISO?

PonJar avatar
in flag
Someone solved this on Arch Linux with an nvidia graphics card here. I’d wager the principles applied will work in your case for Intel. Seems the problem was in an Xorg config file
user535733 avatar
cn flag
I see three different questions here: How to go from 20.04.X to 20.04.4, how to install the HWE kernel properly, and how to fix your video card problem. AskUbuntu works best if you keep to a single question. You will get better answers if you [edit your question]( to ask a single, clear, answerable question instead of three.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
"*try upgrading to the 5.13 HWE kernel and that didn't seem to work*" is too vague to offer useful advice. See If you still have a problem, show complete input and output of the problem in your question.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
I've had no issues switching systems from GA to HWE using nothing more than details already documented (eg. so I concur with @user535733 You should need no more than a `sudo apt update` to update software lists; then `sudo apt full-upgrade` to upgrade packages; not the full-upgrade and not `apt upgrade`. Some closed-source drivers don't allow GA & HWE to co-exist; but where only open-source are used (plus some closed-source) they can co-exist happily.

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