
I get updates even with disabled updates

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I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, 64 bit, Desktop

I have the settings like this:

But I still recieve new updates (notification) every day.

How can I disable them?

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
The update notifications you're seeing can be about snaps. Snaps are unaffected by that setting.
HomerSimpson avatar
sa flag
The setting below states 'When there are security updates 'display immediatelty'' and 'When there are other updates 'display immediatelty''. So that is to be expected. They can also be from Flatpacks or Snaps (like ChanganAuto wrote).
Wombi Wombyte avatar
in flag
For the security updates: I can't change them to something else than "display immediatly", I can only choose to install them automatically. I don't get "normal" updates, I just recieve security updates that are displayed every day, like linux kernel, nvidia driver updates, firefox etc.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
When you get security updates, apply them and the notification will go away
Wombi Wombyte avatar
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@Nmath That's not what I want to do ...
Wombi Wombyte avatar
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Seems like you can't disable updates, same like Windows 10...
Wombi Wombyte avatar
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@Nmath nope, thats not necessary. And I'm not gonna stop connecting my outdated devices to the internet, never had problems with that and not intrested in other peoples opinions ;)
Wombi Wombyte avatar
in flag
@Nmath I know that. People telling me that for over 10 years now. But see, I never got hijacked in my life. I had more problems installing updates, cause new updates introduce new bugs, than with poor updated systems connecting to the internet.

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