
wget is not known I don't know what did I do!

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this is coming when ever I am opening pop os. E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xanmod-kernel.list E: The list of sources could not be read

I tried install xanmod throw termimal and after this happened

guiverc avatar
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Only Ubuntu and *official* flavors of Ubuntu ( are on-topic here, refer to where you'll find other SE sites where you question will be welcome if you don't want to use the Pop forum. (*One advantage of Ubuntu & flavors are the many support options, you opted for Pop OS so take advantage of it's support options, or SE Unix & Linux*)
guiverc avatar
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Read the error message; it tells you the line which contains the error, and the file in which the error exists. In Ubuntu the directory `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/` is empty, so any files enclosed within were added by users with `sudo` rights (*thus user errors*), however you're not using a Ubuntu system (*one based on Ubuntu*) so adjust for your OS & *unstated* release.
guiverc avatar
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Pop OS is not a version of Ubuntu; refer for *flavors* of Ubuntu. Pop OS does not use Ubuntu kernels, some releases of Pop OS boot differently to Ubuntu (esp. *live*, Ubuntu is built for many architectures; and work is done to keep all architectures booting the same for each release; Pop OS does not follow Ubuntu in this regard; so boot processes differ between Ubuntu & Pop OS for many recent releases, esp. regards *live* media). Pop OS also use *testing* grade packages, available for Ubuntu too - but not default in Ubuntu which strives for *stability*.
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