
How can I install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 16.04? (ppa:deadsnakes doesn't support Ubuntu 16.04 anymore)

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I used to use the following gist to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 16.04:

# install PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

# update and install
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-venv

However, ppa:deadsnakes doesn't support Ubuntu 16.04 anymore, and the above script doesn't work:

 > [6/6] RUN apt install -y python3.8:
#9 0.222
#9 0.222 WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
#9 0.222
#9 0.224 Reading package lists...
#9 0.960 Building dependency tree...
#9 1.098 Reading state information...
#9 1.148 E: Unable to locate package python3.8
#9 1.148 E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'python3.8'
#9 1.148 E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'python3.8'

How can I install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 16.04?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
[Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has reached the end of it's *standard* support life]( thus is now off-topic here unless your question is specific to helping you move to a supported release of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 16.04 ESM support is available, but not on-topic here, see See also
us flag
You can set up miniconda
Franck Dernoncourt avatar
co flag
@ArchismanPanigrahi thx! looks like `pyenv` works too.
Franck Dernoncourt avatar
co flag
@guiverc thank you, feel free to migrate to
us flag
I don't think 16.04 is ancient enough for retrocomputing
Franck Dernoncourt avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi would any other SE fit?
us flag
Maybe However, they may prefer not to answer it because we already have Ask Ubuntu for Ubuntu. I would suggest you to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which is supported until 2025.
Franck Dernoncourt avatar
co flag
@ArchismanPanigrahi thank you, I can't upgrade this system.
co flag

One can use conda to create a virtual environment with Python 3.8:

conda create -n py38test1 python=3.8
conda activate py38test1

Otherwise, one can use pyenv. To install pyenv:

# Install pyenv following the instructions from
curl | bash

# Run nano ~/.bashrc
# Add the following at the end
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

# Save file and run:
exec $SHELL

Running pyenv install --list | grep " 3\.[678]" will display the available python versions:


To install python 3.8 in pyenv:

# To avoid the common issue "ERROR: The Python ssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?" (
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

# To avoid the common issue "WARNING: The Python readline extension was not compiled. Missing the GNU readline lib?" (
apt-get install -y libreadline-dev

# Install the python target version 
pyenv install 3.8.12

To create a new pyenv virtual environment with python 3.8:

# Create a virtual environment with python 3.8:
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.12 test

To activate the virtual environment test:

pyenv activate test
eval "$(pyenv init --path)" # to activate python 3.8.12

(The additional eval "$(pyenv init --path)" is because of this issue.)

To deactivate the virtual environment:

pyenv deactivate

FYI, useful commands:

  • To view the installed python versions in pyenv: pyenv versions

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