
How does dpkg choose to replace or not replace a configuration file?

ph flag

I created a package to install postfix with my own setup files. For example, I want to have my own /etc/postfix/virtual in that package.

That works great and I verified, the file is listed as a configuration file (it is part of the conffiles list). I can update it in my package and the postinst script will run the postmap command to make sure the .db is up to date.

However, while doing some testing, I changed a few rules in my installed version /etc/postfix/virtual file, manually ran postmap /etc/postfix/virtual in my console to update the .db file. That worked as expected. The test passed.

Now I put the changes (and a few more) inside my package, but when I installed the package, nothing happened. I did not get a .dpkg version, nor a warning about the fact that it was updated and may need to be replaced by the programmer's version. The file I manually updated while testing was still right there unchanged.

I am thinking this may come from the file extension (it has none...) but still, I'm wondering why is dpkg not asking me to replace that file? Is there a way for me to force a replacement of such files? (in total, I have over 200 files in my package repository, most of which are configuration files, so it is important that I know that it will properly replace those when I make changes in my repo!)


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