
How to add key without expiration date

mx flag

When installing apps from Open Suse Build service one has to add a key like this

curl "" | sudo apt-key add -

However users of my app complain that the keys expire every now and then. How does one add a key without an expiration date?

ar flag
Which distro and version of Linux are you using?
ManuelSchneid3r avatar
mx flag
Ubuntu. The version does not matter. It should work for all of them. At least those listed here:
ar flag
You told us how your users download the public key and which versions of Ubuntu your app works in. Now [edit your question]( and tell us how you created the private-public key pair and which distro and version of Linux you did it in. Did you develop the app and create the keys in OpenSuse?
ManuelSchneid3r avatar
mx flag
@user68186 thb I cant tell. this is done automatically by the open suse build system. does it really matter?
ar flag
Can you edit the private key by downloading it to your Ubuntu computer and upload it again?

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