
How do I find relative files in python with ubuntu?

gh flag

Basically, I am trying to set the background of ubuntu to a file, and I pretty much need to use relative paths.

I have looked at other people's and tried what they did but it didn't work, it just changes the background to a dark blue colour.

My code: os.system('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:../Installer/Assets/BG.png')

Also, I am using Ubuntu 21.10 and yes, I have added the OS module.

ar flag
Please [edit your question]( and add OS information.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
You must find a way to define the relative path. It's not hard. Just ask yourself: Are you using a user's /home dir? Or the PWD? Or something else? And construct your path that way.
gh flag

Thanks, user535733 I changed the code so it uses PWD to find it.

os.system('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:$PWD/Assets/BG.png')


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