
What GUI-based, open-source software options are there for configuring ZFS?

ng flag

In Ubuntu, configuration of settings such as the following can be done via console as mentioned in this question, including:

  • Choice of compression algorithm
  • Choice of the compression strength
  • Enabling and disabling deduplication.

With which GUI based open source software, can one perform ZFS configurations such as the above?

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
I'm not aware of any open-source projects currently in development. But there is [Poolsman](, which just opened for early access, but unfortunately is payware.
vn flag

There is an "alpha" stage module for Webmin that does ZFS management. Webmin provides a general web management interface for many functions.

First install the Webmin PGP key and repo:

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/webmin.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/webmin.gpg] sarge contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webmin.list'

Then install Webmin:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install webmin

Then Webmin can be accessed on the IP address of the host on port 10000 (https://X.X.X.X:10000/).

Then download the ZFS Manager Alpha 0.1.5a release:


From Webmin, open Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Webmin Modules. Browse from From local file, and locate the file zfsmanager-0.1.5.wbm.gz you downloaded.

Click Install Module.

After installation, the ZFS Manager module can be found under Hardware -> ZFS Manager.

enter image description here

The module has 3 tabs: ZFS Pools, ZFS File Systems and Snapshots. Under Zpools and filesystems, you can view properties, and change them by clicking on the property and selecting its value.

The project has not been updated for several years, but it still supports many basic ZFS functions.
Because of this, use at your own risk!

ng flag

ZFS Administration GUI

"Zyggy is a very simple GUI for basic ZFS administration. The system provides graphical access for most frequently used ZFS and ZPOOL commands, as listed below:

Commands available to date:

zfs create (Dataset)
zfs create -v (Volumes)
zfs rename
zfs snapshot
zfs clone
zfs promote
zfs rollback
zfs remove
zfs get all
zpool rename
zpool remove
zpool get all"


sudo apt install zfsutils-linux

Download and extract zyggy from:


sudo ./zyggy


Be carefull, its looks like pre alpha or so on.

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
But I don't think this tool supports setting the `compression` and `dedup` properties you asked about.
Alfred.37 avatar
ng flag
@Artur Meinild, The mentioned functions are only examples of a long list of functions of a ZFS management tool. It even displays the compression algorithm.
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Ah ok cool - I didn't know that. I was aware of the tool, but didn't know what it could actually do.
vn flag

There is a similar "alpha" stage plugin for Cockpit that does ZFS management. Cockpit provides a general web management interface for several functions.

I have no first-hand knowledge of this, as I haven't tested it.

First install Cockpit with the Universe repo enabled:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cockpit

Then Cockpit can be accessed on the IP address of the host on port 9090 (https://X.X.X.X:9090/).

Then run the following commands to clone the ZFS control panel into Cockpit:

$ git clone
$ sudo cp -r cockpit-zfs-manager/zfs /usr/share/cockpit

And then reload Cockpit.

After installation, the ZFS Manager plugin can be found under ZFS.

enter image description here

The Cockpit interface is a little more polished than Webmin, but its general functionality is more limited.

There is a video with a demonstration of this Cockpit plugin.

The project has not been updated for several years and is officially archived, but it should still support basic ZFS functions.
Because of this, use at your own risk!

ng flag

No GUI is yet available for the follow Canonical ZFS Management software, but it is assumed that this will be done as well as a Gnome integration.

According to the following article, Zsys is intended to be Canonical's managent software:

A presentation of Zsys and his options can be found in the following source:

The Github project and download page is:

ng flag

"ZFS Commander is a simple front-end for the most commonly used zpool & zfs commands. While the tool is a work-in-progress, several functions are already working. See the list of functions implemented in Usage section.

The tool is composed of 2 panes, each showing different ZFS related information. The tool will start with Datasets at left and Snapshots at the right pane. By pressing TAB, each window will cycle through the different modes: Pools, Datasets, Volumes and Snapshots."

Source and Download:

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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