
Systemback Root User Permissions

tr flag

I am in Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop and I installed the latest version of Systemback.


My issue is that on boot up I get error messages stating that the systemback scheduler daemon failed to start and failed to get root user permissions.


Did some more snooping... all ubuntu states that the systemback-scheduler is installed, in reality it is not installed:

#which systemback-scheduler


# locate systemback-scheduler

The systemback systemd service files do not exist. I tried purging systemback from my ubuntu and reinstalling, but same result.

Any hints on how to fix this? thx

eg flag

I met the same problem locate this file:

locate sbschedule.desktop

it's in xdg folder, another one is sbscheduler-kde.desktop I just deleted them. done.

So it turns out this scheduler is auto start when desktop kicks in.

eu flag

Please follow the instructions here:

You need to start it within a root account login or follow the steps as described there in the link above. set xhost, then switch to root user, set xdisplay and then launch systemback.

nightwatch avatar
tr flag
It seems that we are members of the same email newsletter. I followed those instructions and doubled-checked multiple times.. I still get the above error
nightwatch avatar
tr flag
I can start and run systemback as root... but at boot I get permissions error and trying to launch as non-root I get a permissions error, where I should get a login/authentication option instead
ru flag
@nightwatch this is where you need to learn how system permissions work. Running something as root almost guarantees that you won't be able to run it as non-root without permissions errors.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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