
XRDP only allows me to connect if I am logged in locally

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I am using Kubuntu. Trying to use xRDP to remote on my school laptop from my main computer

I installed xRDP and have the service running. Set my xsession to start KDE plasma x11. I restarted my laptop and move it to the side. I try to connect to it via remote desktop on Windows 10. Connection fails. I grab my laptop and log in locally. I log in, and attempt remote connection again (even though I know I cannot be logged in remotely and locally, doing this for testing purposes). For some reason, I am able to actually connect now, but everything is a black screen (again, expected).

I close the remote connection and log out. I attempt the remote connection again, and it still fails. I do not understand what I am missing. I have been trying to do this one thing for 2 hours. I even tried this on Fedora KDE a couple months back with a seemingly similar issue. I am able to use my laptop to remote onto the windows PC, but I cannot get it to go the other way around no matter what I do. Any assistance would be wonderful! Thanks!

Edit: I found a workaround for now, but I still want to understand the issue. I created a dummy user, logged into that, and was able to log into my main user. I still do not understand why this issue is happening, but I at least have something that works. Any further help is still appreciated

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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