
network manager dies and sudo hangs after logging in when in power save mode and on battery

fo flag

Recently, maybe after an update (not sure) the network manager seems to die, and also sudo hangs, AFTER I log in via GDM, IF it's in "Power Saver" mode, IF it's on battery. Here's what I mean.

  1. I change the power settings in the upper right from "Performance" to "Power Saver."
  2. I unplug the AC adapter (this may be a red herring...need to confirm this)
  3. I reboot.
  4. On the GDM screen before I log in, the WiFi indicator is on and shows I'm connected.
  5. After I log in, the WiFi indicator is gone, and I'm not connected.
  6. In a terminal, the command iwconfig hangs.
  7. In a terminal, likewise any use of sudo hangs.
  8. If I then try to shutdown or reboot, the system hangs.

I can kinda "fix" it by changing the power settings to "Performance" (after a hard shutdown), but it still leaves me puzzled over why this is happening, how I even can begin to troubleshoot it, and how I could ever use "Power Saver" mode. Any advice? Thanks!

Ubuntu version: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

Hardware model: Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Gen 2i


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