
USB headset dongle not showing up as output

cv flag

I just plugged the USB wireless dongle for my JBL headset into my Ubuntu computer and I cant get audio to play through it. It shows up when I run lsusb and I also tried cat /proc/asound/cards. It also shows up as an input device in the settings menu, but not as an output. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

lsusb returns:

Bus 001 Device 014: ID 0ecp:2069 Harman International Inc JBL Quantum810 Wireless

And cat /proc/asound/cards returns:

0 [LIBRETECHCC   ]: gx-sound-card - LIBRETECH-CC
1 [Wireless      ]: USB-Audio - JBL Quantum810 Wireless
                Harman International Inc JBL Quantum810 Wireless at usb-xh
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